5th WorldCALL Conference Chile
We are pleased to invite you to submit a proposal for the 5th WorldCALL Conference, to be held in Concepcin, CHILE, from 13 to 16 November 2018, hosted by the Universidad de Concepcin. The 5th WorldCALL Conference welcomes contributions from researchers, teachers, practitioners, technology experts and professionals working in Computer Assisted Language Learning that concern rationale, theories, research, pedagogies and innovative practices using technology for first/second/foreign language teaching and learning.
As an international association, WorldCALL provides a worldwide platform for the promulgation of innovative research, development and practice in education and training; enhances the opportunities for knowledge and skills transfer to nations currently underserved in the area of CALL; and serves as a forum for exchanging information and forging professional relationships among educators, researchers and industry leaders from around the world. WorldCALL has held an international conference every five years since its first conference in Australia in 1998. Since then, conferences have been held in Canada in 2003, in Japan in 2008 and in the UK in 2013.
We invite proposals for paper presentations, pre-conference workshops, symposia, poster sessions, technology showcases, and vendor exhibitions.
Inscries com apresentaes de trabalhos: 31 de janeiro de 2018.
Para mais informaes acesse:http://worldcall5.org/index.php/programme/call-for-papers.